Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ...

Middle East major countries Danko and Qatar in the terrorism ...

Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ... DUBAI Date (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain is the day, it broke off Qatar and diplomatic relations as is supporting terrorism. Middle East visit of playing cards US President are out view that led to the current Danko, consisting of his Middle East visit in the week or so, and looking for a new wound is opened. Qatar has been a long time played the role of mediator in the Middle East conflict, condemned as Qatar also far other Gulf major countries of Egypt is supporting the Islamic organization [the Muslim Brotherhood]. In the future, Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood, will be accused of supporting the Iran conflict with Saudi Arabia in the region is strengthened. Following the cooperative Danko of countries, Yemen, also secularism forces based in the Maldives, and the eastern Libya was Danko and Qatar. Qatar government has denied the criticism that is interfering in other countries. The country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Danko is [unreasonable, issued a statement of and] are based on groundless allegations and suspicion.

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