Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ...

Capture target is everyone Middle East terrorists! Overseas maiden ...

Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ... [Human rights violations card game] Immigrant Father Studios that Karlee Esmailli Mr. led to engage in, such as Web deployment, we have to start the Kickstarter campaign of visual novel "The Super Patriotic Dating Simulator". The film Novell works depicting a woman spy Elodie of the CIA, the love of the young people of a certain well-known terrorist groups of undercover work destination. The title refers to the super-patriot dating simulator], but seemingly badly unscrupulous same work, according to the Esmailli said an American of Iranian, that undermine the fear of the terrorist groups in this , that that there is intention that the Middle East to challenge the inhumane and inaccurate political recognition of the United States against the people]. In addition, while said Esmailli Mr. himself is a fan of such love simulation, mentioned that their genre has been made to target the male heterosexual, and want to make a work that reflects the point of view of the female side we talk. The game capture characters cage of the person who provided to each of the multiple endings, one of the root is that made the play time of about.

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