Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ...

[Afghanistan] cosmetics raw materials talc of Western consumption ...

Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ... International NGO Global Witness month, cosmetics, baby powder, paint, talc, which is used as a raw material, such as an automobile parts (talc) is, has become a source of funding for the armed forces, such as ISIS and the Taliban, consumers international disputes a report to that indirectly support [Talc: the Everyday Mineral Funding Afghan Insurgents] was announced. Eastern Afghanistan talc, chromite, Tour of mines marble, etc., are also intensified dispute between ISIS and Taliban. Indeed, it has become a conflict minerals. Global Witness, conduct on-site investigation over several months. Although the Taliban from around had seized the talc mining in Afghanistan, in recent years ISIS large talc of eastern Afghanistan, chromite, that dominate the marble mine. In this survey, since the start of the ISIS is dominant in the region, mining is the testimony that has been large scale was obtained. Already Taliban and ISIS is in a rivalry over the mine, that ISIS is trying to establish a route to transport the mineral to Pakistan directly from the controlled areas.

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