Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ...

Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ...

Sexual violence as a 'weapon of war and armed conflict] ... This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Nadiamurado's autobiography, and: co-author of the "THE LAST GIRL trapped in Muslim countries, women of the story continue to fight" (Jenna class Jefferies liked, Yoshii SatoshiTsu translation, Toyokan publisher, 0 year) was published. Murad's native Iraq, 0 years, was to be captured by the combatants their hometown of Kocho village in the extremist organization [Iraq and Syria of Islamic Countries (ISIS)] [slave]. ISIS combatants who were forced to convert to Islam to Murad et al Yazuidi Muslims (see below). Men and the elderly who refused it is slaughtered, young women were bought and sold as [slave]. Refused to convert her, as a man of the [slaves], are repeatedly traded with little money among the effective control area of ​​ISIS, it was damaged by the fierce sexual violence by combatants us. Same years, she is able to escape the Mosul was the confinement location in Iraq, arrived in the refugee camps of the Kurdish region with the assistance of a family, then, it was to be protected in Germany.

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